ASR Mandate

Whereas the Atlantic Salmon Reserve ASR, known in Russia as the “Дом для лосося“, are the names given to the territory bounded by the Barents Sea and the water basins of the Rynda, Zolotaya, Kharlovka & Eastern Litza Rivers in the Kola Peninsula (Territory).

And whereas the Territory is effectively controlled by the Northern Rivers Company of Murmansk (NR) operating since 1994 as sports fishing tourism business.

And whereas NR have substantially invested in a major conservation program, called “Back to Nature”, for the protection of the Atlantic salmon in particular and the “tundra” flora and fauna in general.

And whereas the ASR is a precious Russian national asset which has attained international recognition as the world leader for the inland conservation of the endangered Atlantic salmon species:

Now, therefore, it is considered desirable to establish a mandate so that whoever has effective control of the Territory in future, whether private person(s) or commercial company or Government organization, shall be bound to operate in perpetuity as follows:

  • Fishing shall be by artificial fly only.

  • Fishing shall be by “Catch & Release” only.

  • Fishing from boats shall not be permitted.

  • There shall be a no tolerance litter discipline and efforts shall be made to dispose of the litter and waste found.

  • No fauna shall be killed or harassed including predators to the Atlantic salmon.

  • No trees or tree branches or flora shall be cut down and fire fuel shall be restricted to coastal drift wood.

  • No platforms or other engineered fishing assistance shall be constructed.

  • There shall be no alteration to the banks or bed of the rivers.

  • No fish will be imported into, or exported from, the Territory dead or alive.

  • Waders and fishing gear shall be disinfected on introduction to the Territory.

  • Investment shall be maintained in the following programs:
    a. ASR Youth Scheme
    b. Salmon protection program
    c. Scientific monitoring and research

  • Commercial policy shall benefit/support:
    a. Local employment and suppliers
    b. Kola region international tourism.
    c. The Russian fly fishing movement

The Formation of the Atlantic Salmon Reserve in 2003

The Atlantic Salmon Reserve (ASR) in the Kola Peninsula, Russia comprises the watersheds of the Kharlovka, Eastern Litza, Rynda and Zolotaya rivers where the Northern Rivers Company operate the now famous salmon and trout fishery. The ASR is a management concept with the following objectives:

  • Establish a world class salmon and trout fishery through Russian expertise and hospitality

  • Bring together like minded international fishermen and women, in harmony with each other,
    for the pursuit of pleasure in unspoiled natural surroundings. See Apply to fish in the ASR

  • Encourage young people to enter the sport of flyfishing. ASR Youth Program

  • Improve and maintain a pristine environment in the ASR and to make arrangements to preserve it for future generations
    Benefit the Kola Region economy through Russian only employment and supplies

  • Contribute to improved international relations in post-Soviet era through cooperation with
    both the Government of the Murmansk Region and the Northern Fleet

  • Establish total inland and near off shore Atlantic salmon protection in partnership with the Russian River Authority – Murmanrybvod.

  • Conduct scientific studies of the Atlantic Salmon with the Russian scientific authority and to encourage international research – PINRO

  • Assist the Murmansk Region Sports and Tourism Committee in the development of tourism in the Kola

  • Give financial assistance to local social causes.

In 2003 the Northern Rivers Company, in partnership with Peter Power, began to realize the unique nature of the environment where they operate.

How this vast territory was relatively free of habitation due to its history as a restricted military area where international visitors have been permitted by courtesy of the Russian Northern Fleet since 1988.

How this precious Russian national asset should be preserved for future generations with environmentally sensitive management policies funded by “catch & release” fishing.

How the influx of foreign tourists could help the local economy.

With the enlightened support of the Governor of the Murmansk Region and with the kind advice Orri Vigfusson of the North Atlantic Salmon Fund and Bill Taylor of the Atlantic Salmon Federation, the concept and objectives of the Atlantic Salmon Reserve (ASR) was initiated through a Declaration of Intent and Letters of Endorsement.

Discussions are now taking place with the Government of the Murmansk Region to constitute the ASR as a “National Natural Biological Fisheries Reserve of Regional Significance”.

In 2011, Vladimir Rybalchenko took over the realm and immediately began to expand the mandate working with government to fund the only offshore marine anti poaching salmon patrol securing the coast of the Barents Sea from the Norwegian border across the north coast of the Kola Peninsula.


Fish Science