Kharlovka week 27 starting 3 July


This was probably one of the hottest weeks of the season. The bright sun and high temperature, along with plenty of bugs - challenged all. However, despite all these manifestations of nature, our guests managed to land 79 salmon on the week.


Jasper and his team fished at night, when the sun was setting closer to the horizon and the light was more acceptable for shooting film. In the conditions of such an unusual schedule and under the close attention of the cameras, Jasper managed to land 11 fish, the biggest of which was a salmon weighing 23 pounds.

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Andrey was lucky to break his personal record by catching a 23lber, and his dad Sergey managed to catch a 24lber and it was to be his biggest fish of the week.


On Big Fish Friday Michael landed a 25lb salmon that became the biggest fish of the week. In total Michael and James were able to successfully catch and release 24 fish.

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Another fine day, another Andrey managed to break his personal record three times, catching fish weighing 15, 16 and 17 lbs in that order.

Despite all the bright sun and hot conditions, this was a memorable week for all.
Biggest fish - 25lbs
Total fish - 79
Total anglers - 9

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Rynda week 27 starting 3rd July 2021


Rynda week 26 starting 26th June 2021